About NestorPartners

Added value through experience
NestorPartners is a network of experienced business managers offering their wide and long experience to assist company management. Nestors serve as mentors, sparring partners for management, specialists and consultants and take part in the work of Boards of Directors. The association and its members actively promote interaction between the society and business circles and accumulation of knowledge.
Nestors as advisors
Nestors can act as experts, advisors or consultants for a company's management. The manager of a company and Nestor together define the problem areas, based on which the most competent person to solve theraised questions or tasks is chosen from the network of Nestors. All tasks performed by Nestors are based on excellent client service, impartiality and high ethics. The cooperation with Nestors is completely confidential.
Nestors as promoters of international cooperation
Several Nestors have extensive and comprehensive experience in starting and developing international business and multinational projects. They have served in managing, specialist and advisor positions in several export and import projects as well as in local operations in EU countries, Russia, East Europe, USA, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. Several Nestors have been involved in Turn Around Management and Enterprise Growth programs financed and operated by EBRD and also executed expert tasks in several countries by appointment of different ministries.
Nestors as experienced mentors
Nestors want to share their experience also as mentors. When acting as a mentor Nestor agrees with the client on the targets and schedule of mentoring. Experiential and so called quiet knowledge is conveyed by mentoring. The objective is that the manager mentored will grow as an individual, gets new perspectives and support in his work. The mentor and the client form a working partnership, in which the mentor guides the Client to comprehensive dealing of matters and independent decision-making. The matters to be handled are based on the needs of the Client.
Sometimes a Nestor Clinic is needed
Sometimes challenges of a company are so complicated that to solve them the experience of several Nestors is needed. The management of the company and two to three Nestors analyse together the situation or the problems of the company and make the decisions on necessary actions. The most suitable Nestors from the network of Nestors are chosen for the task. They meet the management of the company and ensure that a base for successful cooperation is found. The Nestor Clinic, during which the situation of the Client is diagnosed comprehensively, lasts 1/2 - 1 day and is based on good preliminary preparation. As a result the Client gets a written recommendation on necessary measures.
More experience to Board work
A membership in the Board is a natural way to participate in developing a company and increasing its value.
Nestor acts as a member of the Board or as an adviser to it supporting the management and the owners to achieve the set targets in
developing good working scheme for the Board
changes in the management
executing a changing strategy and increasing the value of the company
sparring the owner, the Board or the management
financing and investing activities
risk management
deepening technology and innovation activities
industry knowledge
reorganising operations in M&A
NestorPartners as an Association
NestorPartners was founded in 1978. Currently it has about 60 members. The Nestors have long successful careers in Finland as well as abroad in managerial positions in different developing stages of companies
in conducting business
in public sector
in non-profit organisations
as entrepreneurs and experts
as management consultants
Let’s Work Together
Postal address:
Rionkatu 5A17
FIN-00220, Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 40 538 1645